Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Publishing via Windows Live Writer

1. First thing Go to >> Settings >> Email & Mobile >> Posting using Email. By default, this feature is not enabled so first enable it by selecting any of the two options:
clip_image001Publish email immediately: It will publish all the articles which are sent through emails immediately onto your site. There is no second review involved in it. However, if somehow your secrete email address got leaked then, without any permission anyone can publish articles on your site.
clip_image001[1] Save emails as draft post: This function will not publish your articles immediately. In fact, all the post that your site will receive would be moved to the draft area. However, after reviewing you can  publish them as per the need.
Now to post to your blogger site through emails you have to generate a secrete email address for your site. I will prefer you to enter some illogical terms i.e.,, etc so nobody can guess them. After inserting your secrete word, hit the Save Button to conclude.
2. Go to your Gmail account, then take the Account details from the top right corner > then on the Security page Enable “Access for less secure apps”.
3. After that disable 2 step verification from the Security page. Logoff and login again to confirm.
4. Now try to login in Windows Live Writer and it will connect successfully.
Note: Courtesy for first step

Friday, October 3, 2014

Event ID: 1310 Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0

Issue: WSUS and other MMC console will fail to list the content's. The root cause of this issue is an ASP.Net error with Event ID: 1310. Detailed Event ID is here.

Event ID: 1310
Event message: A compilation error has occurred.
Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
error CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\simpleauthwebservice\b1f83e7a\9a274e9f\App_global.asax.ar_utinm.dll' -- 'The file exists. '


1. If there is more than 65535 files in your temp folder, the method GetTempFileName will throw this error.
2. Clear all the temp files in C:\Windows\temp folder which will now allow the temp file to write in the temp folder.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Configuring Remote connection to SQL Server

Normally it is recommended to have the SQL server installed on the Local machine were you have to use it, but there are cases were you should install it on another machine and install application which is using SQL on another machine, like using VAMT tools. We can follow the below procedure to configure it.
  1. Log on to the server were your current SQL instance in configured. 
  2. From the Start menu choose All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 -> Configuration Tools. 
  3. In the left-hand pane of the SQL Server Configuration Manager -> expand the SQL Server Network Configuration node. 
  4. Select the Protocols for [INSTANCE NAME] node (depends on the name of your SQL instance). 
  5. In the right-hand pane, right-click TCP/IP and choose Enable. 
  6. Then restart the SQL Server service as below. 
  7. In the left-hand pane of the SQL Server Configuration Manager, select SQL Server Services. 
  8. In the right-hand pane, right-click the SQL Server service representing your SQL Instance and choose Restart. 
  9. Close the SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  10. Now from the Windows Start Menu choose All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 -> SQL Server Management Studio. 
  11. In the left-hand pane of the SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on the SQL instance [SERVERNAME]\[INSTANCENAME]and choose Properties. 
  12. In the left-hand pane of the Server Properties window, select Connections. 
  13. Enable the 'Allow remote connections to this computer' tick box and click OK. 
  14. Close the SQL Server Management Studio. 
  15. Restart the SQL Server service as mentioned above step 6 to 9.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Installing and Configuring VAMT 3.0

VAMT is designed to manage volume activation for: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Office 2010, and Microsoft Office 2013. Computers installed with volume editions of Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 cannot be managed using VAMT. However, Office 2010 and Office 2013 products installed on these two operating systems can still be managed. 

For further information please follow Microsoft technet article. 

Download VAMT 3:

  1. Remove previously installed VAMT 2.0 from your server (if installed).
  2. Download the tool from the above Microsoft Downloads link and install this on to one of your domain controllers/or a workstation (the tool needs to gather information from the Active Directory). 
  3. It will download adksetup.exe then double click it.
  4. In Specify location window chose the first option to download and install the Assessment and Deployment Kit in this computer.
  5. Select No on next screen -> next -> click Accept and on the 'Select the feature window' Deselect all the other and select only Volume Activation management Tool (VAMT) and Microsoft SQl server 2012 express.
  6. If you have any previous SQL express version or need to access the remote SQL then leave the sql 2012 express, if not select SQL express 2012 also.
  7. Then click install.
  8. After the installation is finished and you open the VAMT tool for the first time you need to specify a database, select the Server, then select   and just type the name of the new database. Type VAMT as database name. To configure remote SQL server follow steps mentioned in "For Remote SQLExpress access".
  9. The default database name will be ADK by default, VAMT is configured to use an SQL database that is installed on the local machine during ADK setup and displays the server name as .\ADK.
  10. On the right pane window right click the Products and select discover products.
  11. In Discover product window select "Search for computers in active directory" and provide the daomin name in Domain filter criteria.
  12. Select the required products and on the right side window select the computers to activate.
  13. Then right click the computer name (you can select multiple computers also) then select ->update license status -> select current credential.
  14. Now it will update the product information and the computers will be available in its corresponding product list (eg: for office it will be listed in Office products and windows 7 in Windows list).
  15. If you are using the connection without any proxy server you can select Online activate -> current credential. If using proxy follow below step.
  16. Then right click the computer in the products and then select Activate -> Proxy activate -> Choose the option "Acquire confirmation ID, apply to selected machines(s) and activate". (Do not enable the tick mark below.)
  17. Click Ok, It will activate the product.